Join Our Staff
Are you a current Jewell student in any major looking to express your creativity and love of the arts while also building your resume? Interested in a future career in publishing, editing or working in another communication field? Looking to sharpen your leadership skills or hone your ability to work as part of a team? Want to gain hands-on experience in project management, event planning, web design or social media?
If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, joining Inscape may be for you! Read on below for a description of our staff positions and current openings.
If you are interested in any of our open positions, please contact Baylee Sidden, Inscape's Editor-in-Chief or Dr. Ruth Williams, Inscape's Faculty Adviser through your Jewell email.
We assemble our staff in the fall of each year.
Managing Editor
Filled in 23-24
Best for students at any level who are interested in developing leadership & communication skills.
Main Responsibilities
Meeting w/ Faculty Adviser
Working w/ Editor-in-Chief to Facilitate Editorial Work
Social Media Posts
Posters/Fliers (Copies, Permissions, Posting)
Organize Web Issue w/ Web Editor
Planning Events
Expected Time Commitment
Fall: 2-3 hours / month
Spring: 2-4 hours / month
Web Editor
Open in 24-25
Best for student familiar with Wix or other web design software and/or willingness to learn.
Main Responsibilities
Updating Website
Maintaining Submission Form
Designing and Publishing Web Issue w/ Managing Editor
Expected Time Commitment
Fall: 1-2 hours total
Spring: 5 - 10 hours total
Genre Editors
Openings in 24-25
Expected Time Commitment
Fall: 2-3 hours total
Spring: 1-2 hours / month
Main Responsibilities
Assist w/ Reader Selection Process
Gathering a group of 3-5 genre readers
Overseeing submission selection process for your genre (Reading submissions, voting, Keeping readers on-time, reporting results)
Ordering Paper Issue w/ other Genre Editors
Planning Events
Best for students who have completed at least one course in genre of choice and who have comfort delegating / leading a team. There is one genre editor per genre who oversees 1-2 readers
Current 2024-2025 Editors:
Fiction: Jackson Cooper
Creative Non-fiction: _____
Poetry: Tarryn Fredde
Visual and Performing Arts: _____
Expected Time Commitment
Fall: 1-2 hours total
Spring: 2-4 hours total
Main Responsibilities
Reading and voting on submissions on-time
Participating in Events
Attending our annual selection event (date TBA)
Best for students who have experience with genre of choice and who are interested in gaining experience as part of a team. There are usually 1-2 readers per genre.
Current 2024-2025 Readers:
If you are interested in any of our open positions, please contact either Baylee Sidden, Inscape's Chief Editor or Dr. Ruth Williams, Inscape''s Faculty Adviser, through your Jewell email.